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Risk management and sustainable underground solutions

Training Course at WTC2023

The course titled “Risk management and sustainable underground solutions” will be held in Athens Chamber of Commerce and Industry from 12-13 May 2023.

Following this year's World Tunnel congress theme on using the underground space to make a positive impact in the world, the ITACET training course theme covers the following:

1) risk management and how we can utilise our existing knowledge and tools to reduce uncertainty, manage and quantify the risk aiming at design optimisation and

2) how underground space and engineering can contribute towards sustainable and resilient solutions.

Both sub-themes are crucial in today’s tunnelling practices and cannot be neglected in the design and operation of underground projects.

So, register and join in on this 2-day journey where acclaimed professionals from industry and academia will share their expertise and knowledge.

Our expert on underground Space, Antonia Cornaro, will hold a lecture on day 2, jointly with ITA president Prof. Arnold Dix on Introduction to Sustainability Issues in Tunnelling – "A look underground in delivering a sustainable future for our people and planet", from 09:10 – 09:50 am.

For further info and how to register: https://wtc2023.gr/ita-cet-training-courses/