Technology applied in underground construction has advanced significantly in the past decades making challenging geological subsoil conditions feasible to deal with.
Railway tunnels built more than one hundred years ago as pioneering achievements struggle to comply with the present regulations and standards. This inevitably leads to the necessity to refurbish these to ensure these structures remain in service. Also impacting the continued use of existing tunnel structures are new or different rolling stock which may demand higher clearance profiles, as well as implementation of higher standards for passenger rescue and evacuation. Last but not last logistics solution are necessary to ensure traffic is maintained during the works avoiding significant impact on the public and the environment.
Project management from planning to maintenance
We have gathered our knowledge by building underground railways all around the world and deepened it by closely co-operating with research groups and the industry. This enables us to select the right technology for the particular local requirements.
Our experts work with the most appropriate tunnelling methods, select the correct lining and deliver the optimum alignment. In addition, we develop safety concepts and emergency planning, and design the ventilation for railway tunnels and stations.
Signature projects include the Gotthard Base Tunnel, the Semmering Base Tunnel, Lyon Turin TELT base tunnel, the Brenner Base Tunnel, the Ceneri Base Tunnel, Follobanen, and many more.